1908 Founded in Hamburg as Santa Clara Fruit Company for the import and distribution of Californian nuts. Rapid expansion of business activities and trading of food products from all over the world as Ottmer&Co..
2010 Dr. Jan-Pelgrom de Haas acquires the company.
2012 Reorientation under the label: Ottmerfood and specialization in Food Ingredients and positioning as independent sales partner for international producers who target German and European Industries in the area of Food, Flavor, Fragrances, Cosmetics and dietary supplements. .
We think simple…and concentrate on two questions:
- What do our customers need for their success?
- What are the strengths of our partners?
We always have the focus on application, because successful ingredients rarely come “off-the-shelf”!
Our passion is the development of creative solutions, so that customers and partners can share success.
We live partnership: As a family business, we’re interested in long term relationships based on trust and openness
Jan-Pelgrom de Haas comes from an entrepreneurial family. After studying business administration, he started his career in the media industry, where he held several executive positions (C-level) in French, British, Dutch and German companies.
Through his marriage to Svenja Wywiol, co-owner of the owner-operated Stern-Wywiol Group in Hamburg, Jan-Pelgrom came into contact with the fascinating world of the food industry. He developed a deep interest in the variety, functionality and strong market dynamics of the industry, and decided to start his own business by leveraging international food ingredients onto the German market.